Season 4 of “Audibles with Jason Scarborough” continues this weekend with episode 10, and you can watch it on a number of our our TV affiliates all across Mississippi this weekend.

Episode 10 features the Voice of Mississippi State baseball for the past 45 seasons, Jim Ellis. Ellis is one of the most recognizable and distinguished voices in not just Mississippi sports, but all across the south and even the country.

Born in the Mississippi Delta and raised in West Point, MS, Ellis knew early on he wanted to be a broadcaster one day, saying he would walk around the house as a child broadcasting games to himself.

And it was a chance audition for the former MSU baseball coach Ron Polk that set a career in motion that has included numerous trips to Omaha for the College World Series, several Egg Bowl and postseason bowl games, Final Four appearances, a baseball national championship, and sharing signature calls with his good friend, the late great Jack Cristil.

Hear one of the most iconic voices in Mississippi sports history tell his story, in his own words, in this exclusive interview you don’t want to miss.

To find a station in your area for this weekend’s show, click here:

And see a sneak peek of this weekend’s show right here, with Jim Ellis!

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